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dc.contributor.authorBudiakova, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorShaposhnikova, Olena-
dc.identifier.citationBudiakova O. The importance of investment business planning in Ukraine in the current conditions of the world crisis / O. Budiakova, O. Shaposhnikova // Problems and Innovations in Science : abstracts of I International Scientific and Practical Conference, Great Britain, London, 4-5, May 2020. – Vol. 1. – Nika Publishing, London, Great Britain, 2020. – P. 44-47.uk
dc.description.abstractToday, when the global crisis prevails, investments give the society a significant impetus for development and create a system of special relations. Economy requires the development of investment activity, because for those who have knowledge in the field of investment, new horizons of economic success are opened, production, financial, investment activities become effective, and the product is competitive.uk
dc.publisherNika Publishing, London, Great Britainuk
dc.subjectbusiness planninguk
dc.subjectpublic administrationuk
dc.titleThe importance of investment business planning in Ukraine in the current conditions of the world crisisuk
local.subject.sectionЕкономіка, фінанси, менеджментuk
local.subject.facultyФакультет економіки та бізнесуuk
local.subject.departmentКафедра економіки та сфери обслуговуванняuk
local.conference.locationLondon, Great Britainuk
local.conference.nameProblems and Innovations in Scienceuk
Располагается в коллекциях:Кафедра смарт-економіки (СЕ)
Матеріали наукових конференцій та семінарів

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