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Назва: Personal branding as a key to the development of marketing communications and information culture of the company
Інші назви: Персональний брендинг як запорука розвитку маркетингових комунікацій та інформаційної культури компанії
Персональный брендинг как ключ к развитию маркетинговых коммуникаций и информационной культуры компании
Автори: Chubukova, Olga
Bilovodska, Olena
Synenko, Olexandr
Ключові слова: personal branding
marketing communications
information culture
персональний брендинг
маркетингові комунікації
інформаційна культура
персональный брендинг
маркетинговые коммуникации
информационная культура
Дата публікації: гру-2019
Бібліографічний опис: Chubukova O. Personal branding as a key to the development of marketing communications and information culture of the company / O. Chubukova, O. Bilovodska, O. Synenko // Theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of a modern system of enterprises, organizations and institutions’ development : collective scientific monograph (1st edition) / editor in chief B. Shneider. – Dallas, USA : Primedia eLaunch LLC, 2019. – Р. 61-71.
Source: Theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of a modern system of enterprises, organizations and institutions’ development
Короткий огляд (реферат): The growth of the branding role in the commercial sector, an active expansion of the areas necessitates the theoretical substantiation of the characteristics of the formation and use of brands in specific fields and stimulates the development of scientific and practical researches about the formation and management of personal brands based on information culture. So the purpose of this study is to develop theoretical foundations and to improve methodological provisions for the formation and use of personal brands based on the information culture mastery, which are considered as a factor in enhancing a person's competitiveness in today's market conditions. Essence of the personal branding is certain, the specific features of the personal brands are exposed by comparison to classic one, that distinguishes them as the special market force, conceptual positions of forming of the personal brand are considered and improved as a commodity, classification of groups of instruments of the personal branding is worked out. Also the concept "information culture" is investigated in the article. Its absolute interrelation and influence on personal brand, organization development, team activity and their effectiveness are proved. The possible ways of personality cultivating in the conditions of innovative development society, the widespread introduction of information and telecommunication technologies are highlighted. Also at the present stage of social development, the importance of studying the foundations of information culture formation is entailed by the search for new mechanisms for improving the professional and personal qualities of an individual – personal brand. The results of scientific and technological progress, the increase in the information volume, the need to master it for effective activity, managerial decision-making cause the need for a person to develop his information culture as a condition and features of a civilized organization of the economy and a person on the basis of production means. Improved methodological approach gives the opportunity to form a personal brand, meaning, to stand out among other people in order to establish professional life and achieve success in it.
DOI: 10.36074/tmafmseoid.ed-1.07
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://er.knutd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14943
Faculty: Факультет економіки та бізнесу
Department: Кафедра маркетингу та комунікаційного дизайну
ISBN: 978-1-64669-378-8
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації (статті)
Кафедра маркетингу та комунікаційного дизайну (МКД)

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