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Title: Інтеграція національного культурного контексту та тенденцій світової моди для розробки етнічно орієнтованого бренду
Other Titles: Integration of national cultural context and tendencies of word fashion for the development of ethnically oriented brand
Интеграция национального культурного контекста и тенденций мировой моды для разработки этнически ориентированного бренда
Authors: Довганюк, С. М.
Пашкевич, К. Л.
Keywords: бренд модного одягу
дизайнер одягу
етнічна тематика
українська фешн-індустрія
бренд модной одежды
дизайнер одежды
этническая тематика
украинская фешн-индустрия
brand of fashion clothing
ethnic subject
Ukrainian fashion industry
fashion designer
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Довганюк С. М. Інтеграція національного культурного контексту та тенденцій світової моди для розробки етнічно орієнтованого бренду / С. М. Довганюк, К. Л. Пашкевич // Вісник Харківської державної академії дизайну і мистецтв. — 2016. — № 4. — С. 22-28.
Source: Вісник Харківської державної академії дизайну і мистецтв
Abstract: Метою дослідження є аналіз етнічного напряму у колекціях українських дизайнерів, а також охоплення етнічної тематики в моді, що базується на використанні самобутніх українських етноджерел. В свою чергу, дослідження спрямоване на вдосконалення етапів формування етнічно орієнтованого бренду в умовах сучасної української фешн-індустрії, на основі аналізу стратегії розвитку вже існуючих «сильних» етнобрендів із виявленням найбільш оптимальних закономірностей формування і просування їх на модному ринку України та за його межами. На основі проведених досліджень визначено чинники успішності етнічно орієнтованих брендів, розглянуто ринкову кон’юнктуру в етномоді, а також етапи розробки бренду та шляхи виведення його на ринок, що дасть змогу вдосконалити параметри ринку вітчизняної етномоди.
Целью исследования является анализ этнического направления в коллекциях украинских дизайнеров, а также охват этнической тематики в моде, основанный на использовании самобытных украинских этноисточников. В свою очередь, исследование направлено на совершенствование этапов формирования этнически ориентированного бренда в условиях современной украинской фешн-индустрии на основе анализа стратегии развития уже существующих «сильных» этно брендов с выявлением наиболее оптимальных закономерностей формирования и продвижения их на модном рынке Украины и за его пределами. На основе проведенных исследований определены факторы успешности этно ориентированных брендов, рыночную коньюктуру в этно моде, а также этапы разработки бренда и пути вывода его на рынок, что даст возможность усовершенствовать параметры рынка отечественной этномоды.
Under current conditions domestic fashion industry requires a number of structural adjustments. Such adjustments, in view of the global fashion industry activity, are of great significance. Brand “Ukraine” closely affects the fashion phenomenon and its development both in the country and abroad. Therefore the popularization of the country brand is one of the essential criteria for successful presentation of the clothing brand on the world market. National brand can be personified through the changes in structuration and self-definition of the culture. This will lead to the new social-valuable guidelines in art and fashion in particular. The task of creation and maintenance of our own segment of ethnic fashion products arises. Such products will compete with the powerful foreign brands on the fashion scene. This factor can be embodied by multichannel source of creativity – by ethnos. Its scope is still not fully aware of and not modified in the most modern technologies of brand development. Thus, the cultural significance of the modern designers` references to the traditional ethnic elements is implemented during the process of transformation of their functions. As a result the establishment of cultural identity of the nation carried out. This enables to push the limits of creative rethinking of symbolic Ukrainian ethnos, which finds its historical roots in folklore, decorative-applied and visual art. Inexhaustibility of ethnos in every country is a good strategic artistic channel for its attraction with the aim of successful highlighting the brand among the others. Such strategy of brand innovation allows pushing the limits of the designer and drawing attention to the nationalization of the brand. This fact gives an incentive to the development, evolvement and promotion of the effective competitive national ethnically oriented brand that will compete with world brands. Object. The aim of the research is to improve the process of development of the ethnically oriented brand by studying the factors of development of national ethnic brands, which are already exist at the modern fashion market. The development of ethnically oriented brands is an urgent task because the niche of such brands is of high demand now and almost free at the Ukrainian fashion market. It is possible to achieve by examination of the performance indicators of existing ethnically oriented brands and analyzing their ethnic trends in art. The research covers the world ethnic themes in fashion, based on the usage of original Ukrainian ethnic sources. Also the research is focused on improvement of the stages of development of ethnically oriented brand under the conditions of the modern Ukrainian fashion industry. Improvement of the methods of creation of ethnically oriented brand is possible on the basis of analysis of development strategy of already existing “strong” ethnic brands with the identification of the most optimal regularities of formation and their promotion at the Ukrainian fashion market and beyond. Successfully proposed specifics of formation of strong effective brands will allow Ukrainian fashion industry to determine its own clear position at the market. In turn, this will ensure the presence of our own conceptually ideological fashion products at the national and world markets. As a result, this will provide us with competitive advantages and increase our own marketability. Such fact determines the actuality of the chosen topic of the research. Methods. Retrospective and comparative analyses, as well as method of static collection and processing of data, were used as a methodological base for the research. Results. Based on the conducted researches, the factors of success of ethnically oriented brands, segments of the market trends in ethnic fashion and stages of formation of ethnically oriented brand according to the preliminary selection of its image-branding characteristics, as well as the stages of branding activities, were defined. Was improved a sequence of formation and increased the effectiveness of national ethnically oriented brands by gradual implementation of conceptual ethnic ideas of the artists into the commercial branding realization. Existing foreign brands use ethnic orientation in particular to increase their own effectiveness, which makes it possible to extend the awareness of their country brand. Conclusions. The research was conducted to determine the ways to develop the strong powerful authentic Ukrainian brands. It was determined that they are the subject to the new imaginative design-concepts, also depend on general popularization of the brand “Ukraine” in the world. The factor of so-called brand is one of the most influential factors at the world stage now. Retrospective analysis of Ukrainian brands made it possible to consider the principles of creation of the brands with Ukrainian ethnic elements and determine the ways of combining ethnic and fashion. As result, was formulated the sequence of development of ethnically oriented brand considering a number of positive and negative factors of their branding activities. According to the research, it is possible to predict a clear connection between the factors of brand formation. Combination of the cultural context along with the world fashion trends is possible through the coordinated work of specialists in different industry areas. It is they who are able to implement the successful strategy of promotion of ethnically oriented brand at the national and international fashion spaces. The clear vision and implementation of innovative creative and technical solutions is the right key to success for ethnically oriented brand. It is worth noting the significance of targeting on ethnic subjects during the implementation of creative and technical solutions in fashionable clothes, because the niche of ethnos in fashion is popular and almost free nowadays. This factor can be implemented by direct combination of traditions and innovations in modern methods of clothes designing. Successful strategy of promotion of ethnically oriented brand includes a number of factors, which may be involved in its implementation: successful financial investments, accurately coordinated work of brand team – experts of different qualification, successful planning positions of marketing activities and application of innovative solutions. Innovative ideas will ensure the achievement of sales of brand products. Conducted theoretical researches are a prerequisite for the development of our own ethnically oriented brand. This is the brand with identification of appearance, concept, values, audience, assortment and dominant characteristics of its own typical identity and uniqueness. Presented results have a scientific novelty and theoretical validity. They also have practical significance for the development of the existing national brands as well as brands that only launch its creative and commercial realization. In turn, the results of the research can find their use in the development of study guides and methodological recommendations for students specializing in “Design”.
Faculty: Факультет дизайну
Department: Кафедра ергономіки і дизайну
ISSN: 1993-6400
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації (статті)
Кафедра моди та стилю (МС)

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